Jeremy's Channeling Blog
Live Life! Laugh Lots! Love Big!

Hi, I'm Jeremy!
I passed from my Earth Life on June 20, 2016, from a car crash. I was 18 years old. I promised my mom I would help my friends and family through my passing, so I wrote a book. Well, my mom, Rhonda Crockett Logue ( learn more about her by clicking here ) listened to me and she wrote the book. My book is now out, Jeremy Shares His Love From Above. ( Click here to get a copy )
My Book Is Now Available!
Are you ready to rise above grieving for a loved one who has passed from this lifetime, to gaining an understanding that our transitioned loved ones’ never leave us, to a knowing that our loved ones in Heaven are always communicating and guiding us, to living the peaceful and joyous life on Earth that you desire?
If yes, then this book Jeremy Shares His Love From Above is for you!
You will be enlightened with the Truths about our Earthly Experiences and about our Amazing Divine Heavenly Helpers. In addition, you will be guided and inspired to make wonderful changes in your life so that you experience all the love, joy, and fulfillment that you came to Earth to experience in this lifetime.
“Jeremy Shares His Love From Above is an extraordinary book. It has a powerful message and offers much enlightenment. Jeremy’s words bring a deep sense of peace, happiness and understanding. I love everything I learned about life, spirit, relationships and myself. Thank you, Jeremy!”
-Linda Rash